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Elizabeth I.

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Stanford Dibbert

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Q: Who was the last of henry viii children to rule england?
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Who was the last Henry the viii children to rule England?

I am sorry I can't answer it Buy

Who was Henry VIII last child to rule England?

Elizabeth was the last of his children to rule England,they called it the Golden Age.

Who was the last of Henry the 8ths children to rule?

Queen Elizabeth I

Who was the last of Henry VIII's children to rule?

Princess Elizabeth who became Queen Elizabeth the 1st. She also reigned the longest dying in 1603.

Who was the first of Henry VIII's children to rule?

Edward VI.

What is Henry's rule in The Last Of Us?

Henry's rule is 'we only take what we need'. This upsets his brother, Sam, who wanted to take a toy robot with him that he found.

When did Henry start rule England?

Henry VIII became king in 1509 ( i think the date was 21 April 1509)

What are facts about Henry the VIII?

He didnt rule england properl and faouled to get a pwoper wife

Where did King Henry VIII rule?

Henry VIII was King of England from 21st April 1509 until his death on the 28th January 1547.

Who ruled England in 1451?

Henry VI was King of England in 1451. His rule was highlighted by the War of the Roses where Yorks and Lancasters fought over the succession. Henry was executed in the Tower of London in 1471.

What country did king henry viii rule?

Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland.

Where did Henry IV rule?

Henry VIII ruled over England, primarily, but also had some lands in France (left over from the feudal fiefs of William the Conquerer) and Ireland. He inherited the throne when his father, Henry VII, died, and his older brother Prince Arthur had died long before. He had three legitimate children who all ruled England after him: Kind Edward, Queen Mary (a.k.a. Bloody Mary, burned Protestants while on the Catholic throne), and Queen Elizabeth (a.k.a. Good Queen Bess and Gloriana, one of the best rulers England ever had).