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Asika Muhammad

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Q: Who was the leader of Songhai who came to power in 1493 and appointed Islamic leaders to government positions in order to control the large empire?
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What religion did ancient songhai have?

Songhai was mainly Islamic

What were the Songhai Empires laws based on?

Islamic law

What is the government of songhai?

The government of Songhai was a centralized monarchy with a strong emperor called the Askia. The emperor had complete control over the administration, military, and judicial matters. The empire was divided into provinces, each governed by a governor appointed by the emperor.

What religion gained influence n songhai under askia the great?

Under Askia the Great, Islam gained significant influence in the Songhai Empire. Askia the Great was a devout Muslim ruler who promoted the spread of Islam through his policies, leading to its widespread adoption among the population. He supported Islamic education, built mosques, and made pilgrimage to Mecca, solidifying Islam's influence in Songhai.

Who was the Government of Songhai?

You Thought I Knew Lmaooo

Sunni ali was the government leader of?

Sonni Ali (or Sunni Ali Ber) was the first empire of the Songhai Empire in west Africa.

What is Songhai's main religion?

They were Islamic mostly, but some were Muslim. Lel I had to use this question for homework and it was nowhere.

What were the Islamic influences in Ghana Mali and Songhai?

It helped create more trade and made Mali richer

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what types of things might you have seen in timbuktu during the height of the songhai kingdom

Who organized the government of Songhai empire?

Askia Muhammad

What was the government of the ancient Songhai?

whatever u want

What type of government was established in songhai empire?

Monarchy. Songhai was ruled by a king or emperor and had local rulers who administered their regions and paid taxes, tributes and military support to Songhai.