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It was Louis Riel.

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Q: Who was the leader of the Metis?
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What metis leader is considered leader of Manitoba?

Lois reial

What did louis riel do to be the metis leader?

He acted on his beliefs.

Who were the Metis leaders?

Louis Riel became the Metis leader in 1869 with his speech at Saint Boniface Cathedral and the Red Riiver Rebellion.

How did riel help the metis?

Because they were his people, he fought for their language and territory and freedom. His father was the former leader of the metis so louis took over.

Who was the Metis leader in 1870?

Louis Riel. he's very famous.

Why was Louis riel a hero?

Louis Riel was a hero because he fought for his beliefs and what he thought was right. He was also a leader of the Metis and Red River territory. He had also formed a Metis government. He showed that the Metis can stand on there own

What qualities did Louis riel have that made him a natural leader of the metis people?

Louis Riel's ability to articulate the grievances and aspirations of the Metis people, his charisma and passion for their cause, his strategic thinking and adaptability in negotiations with the Canadian government, and his courage and willingness to take a stand for his people's rights all contributed to making him a natural leader of the Metis.

Who led the Metis in the Red River Rebellion of 1870 and the Northwest Rebellion of 1885?

Louis Riel was the most vocal leader or spokesman, though there were other leaders in both rebellions.

What was Louis reil famous for?

If you mean Louis Riel, he was the leader of the Metis in Canada, there are many booksin your library that you can read all about him

How did Louis riel fight metis?

Louis Riel didnt fight metis people, he was a metis, he was fighting FOR the metis

Who is louise riel?

Louis Riel was a leader of the Metis people who led two rebellions in western Canada, he is considered to be the founder of the Province of Manitoba.

What rights did Louis riel fight for?

Louis Riel fought for the Metis rights