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Alexei or (Alexis) Nicholevich Romanov 1904-1918 was the last heir to the Romanov Empire during it's three hundred-four year reign. Much anticipated and longed for by his parents Nicholas and Empress Alexandra, indeed the entire empire lay their hopes for a peaceful Russia on the Tsarevich or (son of) the Tsar. Nicholas himself chose his heirs name after his favorite Romanov Tsar and ancestor Alexis IV, known to history as Alexis the Mild because his reign was characterized by the status quo of the day which was still then a sleepy non-westernized Russia.

Alexis, was naturally received with much joy as well as a collective sigh of relief by the empire. After ten years of marriage and four daughters it was beginning to look as though the Empress would not produce a son and heir. This arose the dislike and mistrust of the Empress by the people who felt she did not love Russia. This dislike is also attributed to the empresses mental instability which is cited as a key cause of the collapse of the dynasty.

This bonnie prince, by all accounts a charming, lively and intelligent boy, on whose shoulders bore the hopes of a nation was also stricken with hemophilia a painful and at the time almost certain terminal disease. Alexis' condition was kept from the people and he was rarely seen by the public at all. Of course this brought about further dissension amongst the people and the Imperial Family adding to the resounding chorus which in a mere twelve years from the Tsarevitch's birth would become the final decrescendo on the three centuries of Romanov rule.

Alexei Nicholaeivich Romanov, was murdered along with his parents and sisters in Ekaterinburg, Russia, 17/18 July 1918 by the Bolsheviks as the White Army or Allied troops were fast approaching the Ural region which presumably would have rescued the Imperial family, as it was has spun countless Fairy Tales of one or more of the family having not perished. It was said amongst society during the time of the Tsarevichs birth that the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna bore a strong displeasure at the choice of the heirs name, Alexis. Fearing the choice of name an ill omen from before the Romanovs ruled one-sixteenth of the earths surface.

Ivan IV or Ivan the terrible brought about the murder of his son and heir Alexis. After Ivan IV, Russia had no ruler and the land was plagued with famine and lawlessness which lasted nearly half a century before the Romanovs came to power in 1603.

Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.

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