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I'm fairly sure it was John Calvin, who was there during the mid-16th century. :)

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Q: Who was the reformer who based his church in Geneva?
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What Protestant reformer is most known for his work in Geneva?

John Calvin.

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The church in Geneva founded by John Calvin is called the "Reformed Church of Geneva" or the "Geneva Academy." It became a prominent center for the Protestant Reformation and exerted significant influence on Reformed theology and practice.

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Geneva, Switzerland.

Religious reformer who challenged catholic church over indulgences?

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The Dutch reformer who wrote scathing attacks on the behavior of church officials was Desiderius Erasmus. He was a philosopher and theologian who criticized the corruption and immorality within the Catholic Church during the Renaissance period.

What church did John Calvin start and why?

John Calvin was a church reformer who moved in the Church from around 1536 to the end of his life. His teachings, theologies, and philosophies have been spread across the globe and have become foundations for many of the Protestant Churches of today. Calvin's first appointment was in the reformation of the Church of Geneva in June of 1536. He did not start this church but was a reformer. He was asked to stay in Geneva by a fellow reformer, William Farel. He was called as a pastor but was never consecrated as such. Calvin also spent 3 years in Strasbourg where he served as a Minister Eglise Sainte-Madeleine, Eglise Sainte-Nicolai, and the former Ordo Praedicatorum de Dominus. During his sermons in Strasbourg he frequently praised the works of Bullinger, Bucer, and Melanchthon. Calvin, through the financial aide of the Eglise de Geneve, helped support and train over 100 Ministers for his homeland in France. During this time he began designing the school for which he would become reknown. In 1559 Calvin opened the doors to his schools; the College and the Academie. In less than 5 years they had grown to over a thousand students. The College became The College Calvin and the Academie became the University of Geneva. On a literal basis, Calvin started no actual church. He helped reform the Catholic church during his lifetime. He also helped institute a new theology or denomination, Calvinism. This was mostly done after his death however by other students and proponents of his ideals.