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Neolithic people. Writing hadn't been invented yet, so we don't know any specifics. Actual recorded history starts about 5,000 years ago, with the Babylonians and the Sumerians between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

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Q: Who were the key people involved in the Neolithic revolution?
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This situation is an example of which concept that arose during the Neolithic Revolution?

This situation could be an example of the domestication of plants and animals, which was a key concept that arose during the Neolithic Revolution as humans transitioned from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture.

Which revolution development was a direct result of the Neolithic revolution?

The development of agriculture, which was a key outcome of the Neolithic revolution, led to the emergence of settled communities and the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to farming societies. This shift laid the foundation for the rise of civilization and advancements in technology, such as pottery and metallurgy.

What two discoveries brought on the Neolithic revolution?

The two key discoveries that brought on the Neolithic revolution were agriculture, leading to settled farming communities, and the domestication of animals for food, labor, and other resources. These changes enabled a shift from nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyles to more permanent settlements and the development of early civilizations.

What were the key features of ul the neolithic agricultural revolution?

The key features of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution include the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, the domestication of plants and animals for food production, the development of agriculture techniques such as irrigation and crop rotation, and the establishment of permanent settlements leading to the rise of complex societies.

What lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution contributed to the development of cities?

The shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture was a key lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution that led to the development of cities. Farming allowed people to produce surplus food, which supported larger populations. This concentration of people in one place led to the growth of settlements and eventually the development of cities.

What contributed to the start of the neolithic revolution?

The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, leading to settled communities, and the domestication of plants and animals were key factors that contributed to the start of the Neolithic Revolution. This period marked a shift towards agriculture and the development of more complex societies.

What were the key features of the Neolithic agricultural revolution?

this is why i want to be half computer so i can just answer a question without having the answer be wring or better yet i would want to be a pure genius!

What were the names of some of the key settlements of the Neolithic age?

What were the names of some of the key settlements of the Neolithic age?

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Were the Jews involved in the exodus?

Yes. The Jews were the key people involved in the Exodus.

What helped launch the neolithic revolution?

The development of agriculture and domestication of animals were key factors that helped launch the Neolithic Revolution. This shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities led to significant changes in human society, including the formation of permanent settlements, establishment of social hierarchies, and advances in technology and skills.