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There were many commanders for each side, but he heads of state for the Union and Confederacy were Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Ulysses S. Grant was the commander of the Army of the Potomic which was the main Union force. Robert E. Lee was in charge of the bulk of the Conferderate Forces. There were numerous other commanders as well such as William T. Sherman, George A. Custer, Ambrose Burnsides (Union), Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, and JEB Stuart (Confederate).

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The main ones are Union Ulysses S.Grant. and for Confederate it is Robert E. Lee.

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Q: Who were the names of the confederate and union generals during the civil war?
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What is the names of the commanders that served on both the union and confederate armies?

The commanders that served during the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate sides, were called Generals. On the Union side his name was Ulysses S. Grant and on the Confederate side it was Robert E. Lee.

Where can you find a list of the names of Southern Generals?

A listing of Confederate Generals can be found at Confederate Generals of The South. Please refer to the link on this answer page.

Who served general of confederate forces during civil war?

One of the most well known generals was Robert E. Lee. Another famous Confederate general was Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. There were plenty of other generals, but we typically don't learn all of their names, just as with any other war.

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The Confederate States of America or Confederacy

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Stonewall Jackson

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What is the names of general confederate armies?

The name of the Confederate Army Leader during the United States Civil War was Robert E. Lee. The civil war took place from the years 1861 until the year of 1865.

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During the US Civil War, the mutual combatants' armies were named the Union Army and the Confederate States Army.

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There were several officers in the Army of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Some of these officer names include: John Adams, T. Bullitt Alexander, and Benjamin Alston.

WHAT confederate state maintained a senator in the US Senate during the civil war?

William K. Sebastian from the state of Arkansas. Although one of the names in the expulsion order at the beginning of the Civil War, He was fulling accredited later.

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Civil War soldiers with names starting with the letter Q?

· Quantrill, Confederate Captain William and his "Quantrill's Raiders"