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Q: Who won the Nobel prize for modifying the periodic table?
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Did Dmitri mendeleev win a Nobel Peace Prize?

No, Dmitri Mendeleev did not win a Nobel Peace Prize. He is best known for his work in developing the periodic table of elements, but he did not receive a Nobel Prize during his lifetime.

Who was the woman who made an element on the periodic table?

Marie Curie, who (helped) discover Radium. This is part of why she earned her Nobel Prize.

What element in the periodic table is a prize?

Gold and silver

What is the name of the 8th element group of the periodic table?

Nobel Gases

Is radon a compound element or mixture?

element, last of the nobel gasses on the periodic table of elements

When did Henry Moseley get his noble prize?

Henry Moseley did not receive a Nobel Prize during his lifetime. He made significant contributions to the field of chemistry by experimentally determining the effective nuclear charge of elements, thereby reordering the periodic table. His work greatly impacted the understanding of atomic structure.

What are the Nobel Gasses and where are they found on the periodic table?

The noble gases are: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon. They are all found in group 18. aka (the last column on the right side of the periodic table.

What is the name of the table of elements?

A Periodic table The Periodic Table of the Elements.

Who element No is named after?

The element with chemical symbol No is Nobelium. It is named after influential scientist Alfred Nobel who invented Dynamite and founded the Nobel Prize. Nobelium is a synthetic, radioactive element in the unofficial Ytterbium family. It is also an Actinide and resides next to Mendelevium (named after the inventor of the Periodic Table) and Lawrencium (named after scientist Ernest Lawrence).

How are the elements arranged?

atomic number

What element is named after?

The element with chemical symbol No is Nobelium. It is named after influential scientist Alfred Nobel who invented Dynamite and founded the Nobel Prize. Nobelium is a synthetic, radioactive element in the unofficial Ytterbium family. It is also an Actinide and resides next to Mendelevium (named after the inventor of the Periodic Table) and Lawrencium (named after scientist Ernest Lawrence).

Which chemist died in World War 1?

Moseley, in Galipoli.... Machine gunned down during a charge across No Man's Land. Mosely was responsible for a clearer understanding of an elements position on the periodic table through the use of x-rays. He photographed the X-ray spectrum of 10 elements that occupied consecutive places in the periodic table. He concluded that there was "a fundamental quantity which increases by regular steps as we pass from one element to the next.", This, of course, is the foundations of Quantum Theory. Rutherford continued his work in the 1920's and recieved the Nobel Prize for his efforts. Many beleive that Moseley would have been awarded the Nobel Prize, should he had lived.