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The staff at one of the congressional support agencies.

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Q: Who would members of congress most likely contact for information on pending revenue legislation?
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May influence members of congress by granting or withholding support of legislation?

Committee staff may influence congress by granting or withholding legislation. Organizations can also influences members of congress in the same ways.

Proposed laws or legislation is evaluated by?

selected members of congress

What is a group of House and Senate members who investigate issuses related to legislation but have no power to draft legislation?

The congress

What is the trading of votes between members of congress so that each gets the legislation he or she wants?


Do members of congress concentrate almost entirely on evaluating legislation?

No, members of Congress also create laws. Most of the time their debates are about whether a law conforms to the requirements of the United States Constitution.

How can the president introduce legislation to the Congress?

The President has the opportunity to establish an agenda for Congress by advocating for specific policies. Presidents also have the ability to use their position to take their case directly to the American people, which can impact public opinion, and consequently, impact Congress.

Who pays congress?

Congress is paid by the government, which means that taxpayers ultimately cover the salaries and expenses of Congress members. Their salaries and benefits are determined by legislation and are public record.

Most congress is done in what?

Most work in Congress is done in committees. Members of Congress are placed on various committees depending upon whether they are members of the majority or minority party, and by their seniority. Sub-committees may also be created with members of Congress and aides. The committees investigate and hold hearings to determine what type of legislation should be recommended to the full Congress.

What are the various sources for new legislation?

us citizens,orginized groups,commities of congress,members of congress,presedent 8th grade civics 09 miss trip

What is the veto power of president?

Every legislation or the enactment passed in the congress require an assent of the president to come into force. Veto power is the power of the president to send back the legislation or the enactment passed in the congress. Once it is sent back it requires to be passed with the majority of the votes of members of the congress.

The role of congressional staffs for individual members and for committees of congress is to?

assist with administrative tasks, research and policy analysis, drafting legislation, and constituent services. They help members of Congress stay organized, gather information, and make informed decisions. Additionally, staff members play a crucial role in coordinating and facilitating communication between the member and their constituents, as well as with other members of Congress and key stakeholders. Overall, congressional staffs provide essential support to help members fulfill their legislative and representational duties.

In order to persuade members of Congress lobbyists provide legislators with?
