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Q: Who wrote the 12TH amendment in the US Constitution?
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What do the 12th 22nd and 23rd amendment to the US constitution have in common?

presidential in common

What was the purpose of the 12th Amendment in the US Constitution?

To determine how the vice president was chosen

What countries don't use the twelfth amendment?

EVERY country in the world except the US does not use the 12th. amendment to the US constitution. This is because they have their own laws.

Which constitutional amendment specifies the separate election of the president and vice president by the electoral college?

The 12th Amendment reorganized the system for electing the US President.

When did the number two winner in the presidential election become the vice president?

Such was the case until the 12th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on 6/15/1804. This amendment calls for separate votes on the President and vice-president.

On December 6 1865 the ratification of an amendment to the US Constitution was completed which amendment is it?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted on December 6, 1865. It is the Amendment that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.

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Who wrote the Constitution of the United states

What amendment to the US Constitution ended slavery and enforced labor in the United States?

In December of 1865, the US amended the US Constitution with the 13th amendment. This abolished slavery in the USA.

Which amendment to the US Constitution repealed prohibition?

The 28th amendment to the US Constitution is the amendment that banned the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. It was ratified on January 16, 1919.

Which amendment to the US Constitution deals with probable cause?

4th Amendment

Which amendment to the US Constitution is responsible for abolishing slavery?

13th Amendment

What amendment to the us Constitution covers freedom of the press?

The first amendment.