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Q: Whom was presented with the medal of freedom by President John F. Kennedy?
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What famous American was presented with the medal of freedom by president John F. Kennedy in 1963?

President John F. Kennedy did re-establish the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963. However, these were awarded after Kennedy's death by President Johnson in December 1963.Justice Thurgood Marshall

When did Cesar Chavez receive the medal of freedom?

The late Cesar Chavez(died April 23 1993) received the medal of freedom on August 8, 1994. it was presented to him by President Robert F. Kennedy.

President Nixon presented the presidential medal of freedom to what musician in 1969?

duke ellington

What award did Rosa Parks receive from Former President Bill Clinton?

In 1996, Rosa Parks was presented, by President Bill Clinton, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

What was the year that Rosa parks was presented with the Freedom Award?

Rosa Parks received the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999. It is the highest award presented by the US Legislature but is not related to and should never be confused with the Medal of Honor which is awarded for military valor.

Dr.Ralph Branche was the first Black American to win what award?

The closest match is Dr. Ralph Bunche. He was the first Black American to win the Nobel Prize for Peace. He was presented with the award in 1950. In 1963 President Kennedy awarded him with the Medal of Freedom.

What honors or awards did Cesar Chavez receive?

He Won the Medal OF Freedom from President Clinton

What president awarded John Steinbeck the medal of freedom?

President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded John Steinbeck the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964.

What president awarded Helen Keller the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

president johnson

Why did Helen Keller get awarded the presidential award of freedom?

Helen Keller was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her lifelong advocacy for people with disabilities and her work as a symbol of courage and hope. She overcame tremendous obstacles, including being deaf and blind from a young age, and dedicated her life to improving the lives of others through education and activism.

What awards did Cesar Chavez?

He Won the Medal OF Freedom from President Clinton

What kind of awards did Martha graham win?

The Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976, the key to Paris, National medal of the Arts and the Kennedy Center Honor.