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Q: Whos philosophy influenced roman and christian thinking?
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What effect did ancient Greek philosophy have on Aquinas?

In general, western medieval philosophy was heavily dependent upon ancient Greek philosophy. The doctrines of the ancient Greek philosophers from the pre-Socratics through Plotinus were extremely influential in setting the agenda for medieval philosophy. The first great Christian thinker was Augustine, whose own original thinking was heavily influenced by, on the one hand, Plato and Plotinus, and, on the other, by Paul's Christian writings. Augustine tried to use the categories of Greek philosophy to render Christian doctrine intelligible. By the time of Aquinas, many of the works of Aristotle, which had been preserved by Islamic scholars, had been recovered (whereas not many of Plato's dialogues were available). Aquinas was so heavily influenced by Aristotle that he simply refers to him as "the philosopher" in his writings. Like Augustine, Aquinas tried to make sense of Christian writings, but he also used Aristotelean categories to try to make Christian thinking consistent with what else was understood about the world. In so doing, he developed the greatest medieval synthesis. Aquinas remains the official philosopher of the Roman Catholic Church. In other words, Greek philosophy in general, and Aristotle's writings in particular, had a powerful effect on Aquinas's thinking.

How did Roman philosophy affect today's culture?

Roman philosophy had not affected today's culture much. It is Greek philosophy which had had an impact . It also had an impact of the Romans. They followed the stoic school and the epicurean school. Both were Greek. Stoicism had some influence in the 19th century.

Which period of history influenced the classical greek and Romans?

The Romans were very influenced by the ancient Greeks, along with some inspiration from cultures of the Far East. The Greco-Roman ideals concerning philosophy, society, and culture have served as a foundation for Western culture and community as a whole.

Which period of history was greatly influenced by classical greek and roman?

Which Period Of History Was Great Influenced By Classical Greek And Roman Works?

Which roman leader became Christian?

You must be thinking of Constantine the Great. However, whether he actually converted to Christianity is a matter of debate. He did make Christianity a legal religion.

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What effect did ancient Greek philosophy have on Aquinas?

In general, western medieval philosophy was heavily dependent upon ancient Greek philosophy. The doctrines of the ancient Greek philosophers from the pre-Socratics through Plotinus were extremely influential in setting the agenda for medieval philosophy. The first great Christian thinker was Augustine, whose own original thinking was heavily influenced by, on the one hand, Plato and Plotinus, and, on the other, by Paul's Christian writings. Augustine tried to use the categories of Greek philosophy to render Christian doctrine intelligible. By the time of Aquinas, many of the works of Aristotle, which had been preserved by Islamic scholars, had been recovered (whereas not many of Plato's dialogues were available). Aquinas was so heavily influenced by Aristotle that he simply refers to him as "the philosopher" in his writings. Like Augustine, Aquinas tried to make sense of Christian writings, but he also used Aristotelean categories to try to make Christian thinking consistent with what else was understood about the world. In so doing, he developed the greatest medieval synthesis. Aquinas remains the official philosopher of the Roman Catholic Church. In other words, Greek philosophy in general, and Aristotle's writings in particular, had a powerful effect on Aquinas's thinking.

How greek roman education is relevance to the nigeria education?

Greek and Roman education systems focused on literacy, critical thinking, and physical fitness, which are all important aspects of a well-rounded education. These principles can be applicable to Nigeria's education system by emphasizing the importance of a broad-based curriculum that promotes not only academic knowledge but also physical and mental development. Incorporating elements of Greek and Roman education can help enhance the holistic development of students in Nigeria.

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it's style was influenced by ancient Greek and Roman sculptures

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It was his mother, St Helena

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Catholicism, government, philosophy, numerics, the Romans left their mark pretty deep

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Yes, Dante Alighieri was a devout Christian. His most famous work, "The Divine Comedy," explores themes of sin, redemption, and the afterlife through a Christian lens. His beliefs in Christian values and theology heavily influenced his writings.

What 2 ancient civilizations had a huge impact on the Renaissance?

Greek and Roman culture influenced Renaissance: Without the philosophy oft Aristotle, saved and translated by the Arabs of Spain, and without roman buildings and artworks as present in Italy, newly considered in the light of new, aristotelic philosophy, there wouldn't have been anything to be reborn.

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What was Justin Martyr known for?

Justin Martyr was known for being an early Christian apologist who defended the beliefs and practices of Christianity against Roman philosophers and authorities. He also wrote extensively about the relationship between philosophy and Christianity, and is considered one of the first theologians to attempt to reconcile Christian teachings with Greek philosophy.

How did Roman philosophy affect today's culture?

Roman philosophy had not affected today's culture much. It is Greek philosophy which had had an impact . It also had an impact of the Romans. They followed the stoic school and the epicurean school. Both were Greek. Stoicism had some influence in the 19th century.