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Q: Whot is better for treatment scoliosis the surgery or exercises with manual manipulation?
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What are all the treatments for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. 1 wear a brace 2 get surgery 3 do exercises approved by a doctor for your scoliosis 4 get medal bars planted next to your spine for support (surgery)

What type of treatment is available for scoliosis?

The treatment options for scoliosis depend on the severity and the age of the person. Some of the treatment types are * wear brace * surgery * do nothing * ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY SURGERY. etc . You can a look at the following website for detailed instructions -

What are some Treatments for Scoliosis and spinabifida?

If your scoliosis is mild then you should just do exercises aproved by a doctor for scoliosis. If it is severse then you should either wear a backbrace to keep it from getting worse or get surgery. Scoliosis can cause backpain. Try to keep a good posture to stop your pain!!

Is scoliosis terminal?

Majority of cases are treatable and these days surgery is so good it is not heard of in the west of terminal cases, with good treatment scoliosis can be dealt with There are minor cases of death where Scoliosis is concerned but we don´t see that in the west

Do you have to wear a brace after scoliosis surgery?

After scoliosis surgery, it depends where they fused/placed the rods/screws...I had scoliosis surgery and I can crack the TOP half of my spine, but, the screws are at the bottom of my back and I am unable to crack it there. :)

How do you reverse scoliosis?


Does chiropractic treatment work for scoliosis?

There is no cure but the curvature can be either corrected or the progression of the curving can be halted. Treatments include physical therapy/stretches, brace treatment, or surgery. Surgery can correct the curve to some extent but not completely. Every person is different and people suffering from scoliosis should talk to their doctor to find which plan of treatment would be best for them.

How do you treat kyphosis?

Conventional orthopedic treatment for scoliosis consists of observation only for spinal curves less than 25*, rigid bracing for curves 25-40*, and multiple level spinal fusion surgery for curves 40* or more. Most patients and parents find this treatment model unappealing and thus new efforts to find a scoliosis exercise based approach have been developed in recent years like the Early Stage Scoliosis Intervention program for mild scoliosis or the Scoliosis BootCamp program for moderate to severe scoliosis.

Does scoliosis surgery stunt your growth?

it stunts your growth from your back...your legs can still grow. i had spinal fusion surgery(for scoliosis)

Does the scoliosis surgery stunt your growth?

it stunts your growth from your back...your legs can still grow. i had spinal fusion surgery(for scoliosis)

Cure for a bent spine?

There are many different types of spine problems that may be called a bent spine. Some are kyphosis and scoliosis. A treatment for scoliosis or kyphosis can be a back brace, or in severe cases corrective surgery.

Are there any scoliosis virtual surgery games?

My sister has scoliosis and asked me to see if there where and NO!