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First answer:

Because the supposed science keeps changing. In the 1970's they were trying to convince us we were all going into a new ice age. Several people made a lot of money on it before the theory was debunked. Then they came up with global warming and the hockey stick theory to show massive temp increases in the last decade. Turned out that wasn't true either although a bunch of people made a lot more money on the theory. Now they are calling it climate change.

If one looks at the earth cycles one can pretty quickly see what goes on. Is the earth warming? yes but, it is a natural cycle. You will notice also that when volcanic activity is high such as it was the last two years we also seem to have heavier snows in the winter.

So to answer your question....Americans do believe in global warming. Most of us just disagree with the idea that man is destroying the planet.

Second answer:

Most Americans (70%) recognize that global warming is occurring, and is predominantly driven by human activity. A smaller percent have been swayed by the Propaganda financed by the fossil fuel industry, which has enormous sums at its disposal for disinformation campaigns.

One typical example is the claim scientists make a lot of money on climate "scams." In reality most

climate scientists are tenured college professors who earn the same annual salary whether their findings are in agreement or not.

Another is the claim Michael Mann made a lot of money off his temperature chart. The truth is that he never made ANY money off it. Those folks who have made investments in carbon credits have made only a tiny fraction of the multibillion dollar quarterly profits raked in by big oil companies. But some oil companies have financed propaganda mills like the Heartland Institute, which successfully disseminates falsehoods regarding climate science, and undermines the efforts of researchers. Their achievement is largely responsible for American ignorance about and rejection of legitimate climate science.

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Are there politicians that don't believe in global warming?

Yes. Many politicians, mostly conservatives, do not believe in global warming.

Who are the global warming skeptics?

Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

Why do some scientists believe global warming is a threat world wide?

Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.

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Do you believe in global warming as a threat?

Oh yes!

Are there skeptics of global warming?

There are people who don't believe global warming is happening.There are people who believe it is happening but don't believe that humans are causing it.There are people who believe all the climate scientists who believe it is happening and that we are causing it.

How Many scientists don't believe in global warming?

Not many. Most (97% of) climate scientists agree that the earth is warming and that humans are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.

Do evolutionists believe in global warming?

Not necessarily, as belief in evolution and belief in global warming don't really have anything to do with each other. That said, a person who believes in evolution is probably more likely to believe in global warming, as they tend to listen to what scientists say, and scientists are the biggest advocates for global warming being real.

What do people believe about climate changes and global warming?

People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.

What do the opponents of the global warming theory believe?

They believe what 31,479 scientists believe: there is no man-caused global warming. They all signed a petition saying so. Out of those 31,479, about 9,000 are climate scientists.

What is global warming and why do most people believe in it?

Global warming is the serious and rapid warming of the earth that has occurred in the last 100 years. Most people believe in it because science has shown that it is happening and people understand why it is happening.