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It was originally founded by a Hindu who didn't agree with the way lower caste Hindus were treated, and it's practices and beliefs are very similar to those of Hinduism. Turning to Buddhism means a Hindu who previously was treated atrociously by members of their own religion and society can escape the discrimination they have been subjected to all their lives without changing their beliefs or lifestyle too much.

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Q: Why Buddhism appealed to the lower caste in India?
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Why were lower casts more likely to convert to Buddhism?

Because Buddhism rejected the caste system.

Why was Buddhism attractive to the lower castes and untouchable?

Under Buddhist thought there would be no Caste System so that the stigma of being lower caste or untouchable would disappear.

Why might Buddhism appeal to a lower caste or an untouchable?

Because there was no concept of cast in these religions.Jainism and Buddhism appealed to people with a spiritual orientation and status had no bearing to these decisions. If people like the underlying philosophy of an ideology, they start believing in it.

Why was Buddhism especially attractive to the Lower caste and untouchables?

Under Buddhist thought there would be no Caste System so that the stigma of being lower caste or untouchable would disappear.

Why did Buddhism become popular India?

It became popular in India because, in India class system is very much rooted and lower classes have no way out. Buddhism says that even the lower class can reach nirvana, a state of wisdom.

Is saluja a lower caste?

The concept of caste is specific to certain cultural and social contexts, such as in India. Saluja is a surname commonly used by people of the Khatri community in India, which is not considered a lower caste. It is important to note that caste stereotypes and discrimination are barriers to equality and should be actively challenged.

Which caste is upper saha or Das?

In India, the Brahmin caste is considered the highest or upper caste, while the Das caste generally refers to a lower or working-class caste. The hierarchical structure of the caste system places Brahmins at the top and Dasa at a lower position.

How do you end up in a certain caste?

It depends. If you are on the subject of Buddhism ,then the caste system is basically depended on karma. If you are born in a lower level, then you will stay in a low system until you die. If you do good in your life , you will be entered in a higher level of the caste system.

How many upper-caste persons are there in India who got married with lower-caste ones and how is there life going on?

who knows it wasnt our time answer: an inherited social class

What is ancient India's culture?

Hinduism and Buddhism were Ancient India's main cultures. There were also lower religions and philosophy, but those were the main two.

Why do many Hindus from the lower caste convert to Buddhism?

very simple answer is that Hinduism was never a religion but a philosophy, a way of life and thus a Hindu can take up any religion of choice!!! Gautam Buddha, who was a Hindu by birth had preached on a more enforced form of Hinduism which was fasinating for hindus and thus the conversion in the old times, in the recent past, mass conversion was held for the so called lower caste hindus to escape from the caste system.

Do the lower caste groups in India today do not have equal educational opportunities?

no .. they do not get equal education ... but its wrong they should