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Because its wrong. I mean, Whats ur reason??? 'Cuz they do wrong things w/wat they get. YouTube- Hackers put that on. K, mabey not that, but...

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Q: Why Should the government be able to spy on us?
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Should the gov be able to spy on us?


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Undoubtedly governments would not overlook this possible means of obtaining information.

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It was primarily intended to stop any spies from spying on the US, rather than allowing the US to spy on others

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Is it sinful to spy on other people?

spying on other people is a sin we should not spy because god does not want us to do that we should mind our own business and concentrate on ourselves and believing and serving god and plus if you do spy on someone you might start to gossip god does not want us to hurt peoples feelings and plus what people are talking about is personal so do not spy it is a sin and plus if you think you should not do something then you should not do it I hope this helps you understand