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The answer is very simple: to see if he/she has really lost.

Also because they need this self-centered attention, the why-don't-they-love-me-when-I-am-superb one; they might check if they are right, by showing up again.

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Q: Why after being dumped would a narcissist harass his ex for 6 months then just seemingly disappear?
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Why would a Narcissist stalk and harass when you leave him instead of just acting like you do not exist and moving on?

Because he doesent want to lose that control, he doesent want to lose you, you fuel his needs, narcissist dont think just anyone will put up with them. Narcissist fear greatly being a lone, no one to abuse and they just have to be depressed.

What is the verb for harassment?

The verb of harassment is harass. As in "to harass something or someone".

Why do some Narcissists stalk and harass while others want nothing to do with you?

Narcissists are just not a group with the same rules, but are individuals. One narcissist may stalk because he's ticked off his victim got away and this has burst his/her bubble, while another Narcissist will be on the lazy side or know he/she can land another victim quickly. They either want to get even or they have tired of their victim.

What is the right way for spelling harass?

Harass is the correct spelling.

The government is not allowed to harass or annoy a church in their worship to harass or annoy is to?


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Harass them. Harass them. Make them relinquish the ball!

Which one is the right spelling - harrass or harass?

The correct spelling is harass.Some example sentences are:He continues to harass his former friend.You should not harass people.

Give one word starting with the letter A for harass?

Annoy is a synonym for harass. It begins with the letter a.

What happens to the narcissist that has completely ruined his reputation and burnt all his bridges yet has no means to relocate?

Don't worry a narcissist always lands on his/her feet like a cat! They are sly, selfish, can usually charm the gold out of a person's teeth and never miss a beat for any opportunity. According to the narcissistic mind they have all the power and never run out of ideas and certainly don't feel they have burned all their bridges. Psychologists do believe that there is a love/hate relationship between a male narcissist and his mother (who was probably narcissistic or cruel as well.) Whether the narcissist hates his/her mother they will always run back and hate themselves for doing so. If dear old mother isn't there then they continue to harass an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.

How do you deal with?

harass your dad

What is the antonym for harass?


Are emos aggressive?

Not necessarily. Emos typically express their emotions through their fashion and music choices, and may feel misunderstood by others. Like any group, individuals within the emo community may have varying personalities, including both aggressive and non-aggressive traits.