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Free? It is anything but free. Nothing is free. The people complaining about 'free health care' are the ones that will actually pay for it with their taxes, which will go up because of the additional burden. If you would inform yourself about the topic you will find there is nothing free about health care. You will be forced to PURCHASE insurance or be fined up to $4,800. Look at Great Britain, their "free" health care is consuming the economy.

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Q: Why are Americans so against free health care?
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Health care in England is paid for by Taxes. Most Americans would baulk at the taxes that Brits pay.CommentActually, we pay less for our National Health Service, through our taxes, than most Americans pay for their health insurance cover. So the cost is not an valid reason for not having a universal health care.

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If they are citizens of Ireland, then they will have the same entitlements to health care as other Irish citizens. There is a free public health service and also private health service that people pay for themselves or with the help of health insurance.

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There is not a single country on the planet that offers free health care (taxes are higher in these countries which is how health care can have the essence of being "free" when in reality it's not), what you mean to ask is what countries have socialized health care. All developed countries except the United States offer "free" (it's not really free...) health care.

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Why Americans should have free healthcare?

We shouldn't!!!!!!!!!!! It is absolutely not what the founders would have wanted and pushes the power of the federal government beyond the limits of the Constitution. Many countries have free health care systems and social security systems that surpass anything the United States has by far. I guess whether the United States should have free health care comes down to whether you want to view the United States as a country, or as the sum of the American people. As a country, any free health care system is going to produce financial burdens. However, looking at the American people, you really need to ask how affordable is health care to the average American? Is allowing someone to suffer against basic human rights?

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They get free health care

How do you get free health care?

Move to canada

Congress will win on Obama Health care?

Congress wins no matter what happens to the health care bill. They have free care... for life.