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Some women just don't seem to think it's a problem. Others might just forget they're pregnant. Either way, you're right, it's stupid.

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Q: Why are Women stupid enough to drink while they are pregnant?
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Yes because its sterilized. The only milk you can't drink is goats milk. Xxx

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Addiction, or ignorance of the effects on the fetus, or both.

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This answer is culture dependent. In the US, women are discouraged from drinking alcohol at all while pregnant, but in France, it is encouraged that the pregnant woman drink one (1) glass of red wine a day.

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So that there bones are stronger , to suport the weight of the baby.

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If it's made with raw egg whites, then NO. Ask first

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for sure! my mother drank like a fish the whole way through. i turned out okay. no! you should not drink while pregnant! 9 times out of 10 the baby winds up with problems

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Yes, they can. Pregnant women can drink cool, non-alcoholic drinks during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of fluid is good for women during pregnancy because it keeps them hydrated, which is good for the baby and keeps the amniotic fluid at a good amount.

Statements about moderate drinking is false?

pregnant women should only drink one glass of red wine a day.