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Animal Testing : Monkey Testing There are no test cases defined. The testers/users are given the application/product to test on. The users just get into the system and take different path. The idea here is to break the application. To discover loopholes which a developer might have overlooked. For several reasons: 1. To make sure the product is safe. 2. The company might want to see the long term and short term affects on the product. 3. The company might want to see if the animals like that product better then other products.

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Q: Why are animals used in testing products?
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When did the UK stop testing beauty products on animals?

because animals have rights and some died from the products

generally in pyrogen testing animals are used?

Yes and No. Animals are used in pyrogen testing. Rabbits are generally used in pyrogen testing.

What animals are used in product testing?

animal testing is made to make sure a product is safe. these products may be makeup, shampoo, medicine, vaccines, and even transplants believe it or not. i was doing an article/ speech on animal testing and found out that at least around 15% of animals are used to test products.

Why do animals get used for testing and not humans?

Because it is believed that a human life is more important than an animal's life. People don't think of animals feeling pain, testing on humans seems worse than testing on animals. Most of the products are tested on on humans after they have been tested on animals.

What are the benefits of testing on animals to humans?

There are no benefits of testing products on animals whatsoever

Do animals experience pain during testing of products?


Do john frieda test on animals?

no they do not do animal testing on their products

What is the purpose of testing on animals?

The purpose is to ensure that products will not harm actual sentient beings before the product is used on one.

What products are ok to test in animals?

I think none! Testing products on animals is animal testing which I strongly disagree with! Animal testing, if it goes wrong its the animal that suffers. Animal testing can put a lot of stress and pain on animals. I think that animals deserve rights to be free of being tested with things that cause them pain and even kill them.

Are animals harmed while being tested on with makeup products?

Yes, some animals are harmed during testing for makeup. But it only depends on the product being used.

Does Himalaya do animal testing?

No, the company does not. Himalaya is highly against all testing of all animals. None of the products has ever or will ever be tested on animals.

What happens to the animals that are used for testing products?

First of all, for all you animal lovers, like me, i reccomend you do NOT read the next sentence.Sadly, some of those animals die while others have health problems in the future. I don't use products tested on animals.