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They are single celled organisms.

all systems of the "body"of a bacteria are contained in a single cell.

There are no complex, multi-cellular systems to develop.

All that is needed to make a new kind of bacterium

is a mutation of the DNA in the nucleus.

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4d ago

Bacteria have short generation times, allowing for rapid accumulation of mutations. They also have high population sizes, increasing the likelihood of beneficial mutations emerging. Additionally, bacteria can acquire genetic material horizontally through processes like conjugation, transformation, and transduction, further increasing their genetic diversity and ability to evolve quickly.

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Q: Why are bacteria able to evolve so qucikly?
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What is the empirical evidence of evolution?

Bacteria, they reproduce so fast you see them evolve.

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I wasn't aware it was a race. They don't really "evolve faster", it's just that when your reproduction period is short, you can pack a lot more generations into the same amount of time.

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No, all life evolves. Bacteria evolve, viruses evolve, protists evolve, plants evolve, fungi evolve and animals evolve. Evolution is driven by Natural Selection. So, no. The evolution of all life on Earth is driven by Natural Selection: all bacteria, plants, animals, mammals, fish, insects, biochemical pathways, behaviours et cetera evolve by Natural Selection.

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The S bacteria are surrounded by a capsule, so it is not engulfed by the host's white blood cells. That means that it is able to proliferate and spread. The R bacteria lack the capsule (like the mutant S bacteria), so the white blood cells are able to detect and eliminate them.

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Yes, it just need friendship so it can be able to evolve then after it turns to Pikachu u need a Thunder stone to make it evolve

Why are some bacterial diseaes becoming more difficult to treat?

as bacterium are very simple life forms, they are able to evolve very quickly. not really becoming more complex, but changing. this is the reason people catch colds every winter. if the bacteria didn't evolve, we would become immune to it. this means developing a new vaccine every year.some bacteria and viruses evolve slower than others, so some vaccines last years, whilst others last months

What level does hondour evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

It is able to evolve at level 24 and up. So basically you can evolve it anytime you want after finishing the main story and having it at least level 24.

What effect would a very short generation time such as bacteria have on speciation?

Well they would evolve faster, so speciation would occur faster too

What level does golbat evolve into crobat?

Well, For zubat to evolve into Golbat it needs to be level 22, And For Golbat To evolve into Crobat it needs your full trust/Happiness. Mine is about level 34 and Only has 139 out of 255 Happiness, So It could take awhile for it to be able to evolve.

What do viruses have in common with bacteria?

Viruses van cause diesease and so can bacteria they are both microscopic they can evolve they have DNA they can reporduce (even though viruses can only reporduce in a cell) they are passed through the air They have both caused plagues

Are the bacteria from one colony geneticaly identical?

Not always. Sometimes, during protein synthesis, the DNA of bacteria makes a mistake and copies the wrong protein causing a defect. This can cause the bacteria in the same colony to be slightly different. Also, bacteria can evolve very quickly, so this can also cause the bacteria in one colony to be slightly different.