

Why are cats lazy?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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10y ago

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While cats are perceived as lazy, they are doing what their wild ancestors did. Domestic cats sleep 18 hours a day as a way to conserve energy. For the most part, cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active in low-light hours of evening and morning, as this is the easiest time to be able to hunt down prey. A cat that has to catch its own food will spend the rest of the time asleep or patrolling its territory.

A fully indoor cat will behave in a much similar way; many owners have witnessed their cat being active in the very early morning hours, or late at night, then the cat will sleep the majority of the day.

While it may be true that a cat with access to the outside may be more active than an indoor cat, this largely depends on the individual nature of the cat - some are more active than others. If an indoor cat has plenty of toys and interaction, it too will get enough exercise.

If your own cat is being too lazy and needs more exercise, you could always try to play with them every day around the same time. Cats like routine so will quickly learn to stay awake and move about more when it learns it will be played with a certain time of day.

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