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Laws against close intermarriage have resulted from noting that the offspring of these types of marriages are weaker and have more birth defects. A good gene pool is diverse.

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Because any resulting children have a high probability of genetic defects leading to children with deformities, mental problems and/or ongoing health problems

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Q: Why are consanguineous marriages between blood relatives prohibited in most cultures?
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You can go out with anyone you want. However, making children with close relatives is not recommended, but that is very different from going out with them. Your first cousin is the child of your aunt or uncle. Your second cousin is the grandchild of your great aunt or great uncle, and the child of your first cousin. The daughter of your second cousin is your second cousin, once removed. Marriages between first cousins have been accepted, even approved, in some cultures. Marriages between more distant relatives are more widely accepted in the modern, western culture.

Why are most of the marriages in India arranged marriages?

People primarily have arranged marriages because it is their cultural, social, or religious norm, especially in India.