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i have no idea, i guess they just want to be firends with you

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Q: Why are cops nice?
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dont be a puss.....dont buy a nice car.... watch alot of cops dont be a puss.....dont buy a nice car.... watch alot of cops dont be a puss.....dont buy a nice car.... watch alot of cops

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Tell him your treating him to something nice. Walk outside and run in. QUICK!! Then call the cops and hope he doesn't have a key.

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Normally not Unless...:There is a sign that says you cant your " cussing a disturbance " Plus if ur cops are nice u will probably just get a warning

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ummmm from a pot dealer??? Lets be smart.... So i write an address up here and u send the cops right! nice try

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What is hobo history?

hobo history is the history of hobos so next time you see one don't be mean to him/her because they might have some kind of weapon with them and shoot you so be nice to the dirty fat people who live on the street and they really probably have gone to jail before so the cops are probably his/her best friend so the cops are the hobos side so if say something about a hobo better say sorry or the cops might get you so never ditch or egg a hobo because they might hurt you so be nice to all fat people

Should there be more cops?

Yes there should be more cops, if there were no cops, the criminal rate will increase a lot.

Can cops lie to you?

cops can legally lie to you. yes they can.

What is the name of the episode on my name is earl whe he is on cops?

There were two times that Earl and the gang were on Cops. One episode was called Our Cops is On. The other one was Our Other Cops is On.

What is the proper name for cops?

The proper name for cops is ''Police Officer"...they don't like when people call them cops

When did Sky Cops end?

The duration of Sky Cops is 3600.0 seconds.