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Most are not. And yet, there are cows that have a nasty temperament. This is mainly from five main reasons:

  1. They think they have to be dominant over humans
  2. They have been treated so bad that they feel they have to attack first in order to avoid getting hurt again
  3. They feel cornered and feel they have to turn and attack in order to get you out of their space.
  4. Genetics: their sire or dam have traits of being really nasty, so it just happened to come out in them.
  5. Some other ridiculous and absurd reason that people think of that aren't exactly true (i.e., cows taking over the world, cows are aliens from space, etc.)
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Q: Why are cows evil?
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Are cows evil?

The answer to this question is primarily based on opinion. Some people hate cows and think they are all evil. Others like cows and say they are not evil. However, there are those cattlemen and women that have owned cattle for a long time and can say that there are some cows that get to be real evil creatures and will do anything they can to make their owner's life hell. That is, until they are shipped off to the slaughter plant.

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Warlock (1989)

Why don't we drink milk from angus cows?

Angus cows are beef cows, not dairy cows. Holsteins are dairy cows, not beef cows, which is where we get the majority of our milk from.

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"Moo cows" are, essentially, cows that moo.

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Twelve cows can be called a flink, a dozen head or a herd of cows.

Are cows ever eaten?

Hamburgers = beef beef = cows Steak is from cows. So yes, cows are eaten.

What is homes for milking cows?

Cows that are milked are referred to as dairy cows. These cows are milked in a barn or a milk house.

What is the collective noun of twelve cows?

The collective nouns for a group of cows are:a herd of cowsa mob of cowsa drove of cowsa drift of cows

Do beef cows have the same size udders as beef cows?

Beef cows = beef cows, so yes, obviously.