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Q: Why are gas prices cheaper in Arizona than in California?
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It depends on the car and the dealership but Arizona's sales taxes are lower than California.

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Actually, no. Oregon's mall's have more expensive clothing fabric, which makes the clothing prices higher.

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yes plastic surgery in colorado is cheaper than california. you can visit on

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Yes, Virginia car insurance is generally cheaper than insurance in California

Is Arizona the largest state in the west?

California is larger than Arizona.

What time like 5 PM in California would it be in Arizona?

It is one hour later in Arizona than it is in California. If it is 5 PM in California, it is 6 PM in Arizona.

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It depends on the current market prices, but generally, gas is cheaper than oil.

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Arizona is east of California. California is west of Arizona.

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Van rentals are more than likely not cheaper in Florida than some other places in the States. It is probably cheaper than rentals in California, though.

Is it cheaper to insure a motorcycle in WI or AZ?

Motorcycle insure is way cheaper in Arizona than Wi.-Kamii Kamiister Kamz Babez-

What states in US is warmer than others?

Arizona's probably the hottest state, but anything in the south is hot.