

Why are legs shiny?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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we have oil on use

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Q: Why are legs shiny?
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What colour is a shiny moltres?

A shiny Moltres will have a pink body and red legs.

How do you get shiny legs?

It's eggs not legs, but to get shiny Pokemon eggs, you have to breed a male & female Pokemon of the same kind of breed like a female pikachu & a male pikachu & keep hatching their eggs until you get a shiny Pokemon. It may even take up to 600 eggs! NOTE: Can't breed LEGENDARY Pokemon except a manaphy with a ditto. ☻

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Respiratory: dyspnea, edema of legs, vericosities of legs, pre-eclampsia... Abdomen: enlarged abdomen, skin is tense, shiny with large striae..

What type of insect has a long segmented body like a caterpillar but has only six legs at the head and a shiny body?

Silverfish possibly.

You are a boy and your legs are shiny and dry?

Yea, mine are like that and sometimes my friends comment on it. They look shiny, so from far away, you would think they are hydrated, but on a closer look, you can see the top layer of skin is a little dry.

What kind of insect has a shiny black body with bright red markings and 8 legs?

A red bug with a fat body and 8 legs is known as chaniya Asian bug. These bugs are different from the ordinary bed bugs.

Does Taylor swift shave her legs?

she pobaly does, because she shows her legs off in music videos and they look they shiny, so i would say she waxes her legs, i think all female celebreties have to shave or wax their legs, to show off to the viewers

How do you get your shoes from shiny to mirror shiny?

i can get them shiny but once i get them shiny, when I polish them they get scratched and become less shiny.

Is it shiney or shiny?

Shiny, as is bright, is shiny, NOT shiney as most mistake it for.

Does shiny Pokemon were out?

No, the shiny Pokemon stay shiny always. If the shiny status was a hack they may lose their shiny status, esp. if they get the pokerus

How do you get Pokemon to stay shiny in Pokemon Diamond?

What do you mean how do you make a shiny Pokemon stay shiny if you get a shiny Pokemon it stays shiny ok!

Who wants to trade a shiny Pokemon for a different shiny Pokemon please?

no one trades shiny Pokemon because they are rare new person:i have a shiny umbreon in my pearl that i will trade for a different shiny Pokemon