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Lipophilic viruses require the lipid (fatty) envelope to remain active ("live"*), and the fatty layer can be destroyed by alcohol. Non-lipophilic viruses do not require this fatty envelope, and the protein layer (capsid) is more resistant to alcohol.

*Note: viruses are not actually alive, they are only genetic codes with 1 or 2 (lipophilic) protective layers. Biologists call "live" viruses *active* and "dead" viruses *inactive* or *inactivated*.

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Q: Why are lipophilic viruses easier to kill?
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Coconut oil does not kill viruses.

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the nature of interaction depends on whether they are lipophilic or hydrophilic. if both are hydorphilic ionic interaction, both lipophilic hydrogen bonding. ionic if lipophilic-hydrophilic.

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the nature of interaction depends on whether they are lipophilic or hydrophilic. if both are hydorphilic ionic interaction, both lipophilic hydrogen bonding. ionic if lipophilic-hydrophilic.

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You don't.

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