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Q: Why are new DNA strands only created in a 5' and 3' direction?
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The continually elongating strand of new dna at one side of a replication fork during dna replication is known as?

The continually elongating strand of new DNA at one side of a replication fork during DNA replication is called the leading strand. It is synthesized continuously in the 5' to 3' direction by DNA polymerase.

Why is replication on one strand of DNA continuous while on the other strand the replication must be discontinuous?

New strands of DNA can only be created in one direction - 5' to 3'. This is because only the 3' end of the DNA is able to join to a new nucleotide. The two strands of DNA are antiparallel - meaning they run in different directions. Therefore only one strand (called the leading strand) is running in the correct direction for continuous replication. The other strand (called the lagging strand) must first be looped around so that small sections can be replicated in the correct direction.

Are DNA single stranded?

no dna s are of double strands only

Are DNA single-stranded?

no dna s are of double strands only

Where does replication of the two DNA strands takes place?

in a direction opposite to that of the replication fork

What can you say about the direction of the strands of nucleotides that make up DNA molecule?

The two strands of nucleotides in a DNA molecule run in opposite directions, referred to as antiparallel. This means that one strand runs in a 5' to 3' direction while the other runs in a 3' to 5' direction. This arrangement is essential for DNA replication and other cellular processes.

Bond type created by DNA ligase?

DNA ligase creates phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides, forming a continuous DNA strand. These bonds are essential for sealing nicks and breaks in the DNA backbone during processes like DNA replication, repair, and recombination.

How many DNA strands do goldfish have?

10000 DNA strands.

When constructing the DNA molecule what did you notice about the orientation the two strands?

No idea. Biologers

What initially determines which DNA strand is the template strand and therefore in which direction RNA polymerase ii moves along the DNA?

the specific sequence of bases along the DNA strands

Do two DNA strands need to be separated before DNA replication or transcription can occur?

Yes. Also, of the two strands of DNA, only one is the template that will be transcribed, while the other strand is a noncoding strand of DNA.

How many strands is DNA made of?

DNA is composed of two strands of DNA nucleotides.