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Some people are worried that cloning technology might eventually be used for immoral purposes. People might, in theory, be mass-produced as slaves or soldiers. People could be cloned as a source of spare organs for the wealthy.

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Q: Why are people against cloning?
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Why are some people against cloning?

cose their fools

Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning is very controversial in the world, some people think it is wrong. Animal cloning is less controversial, but like animal testing of shampoos etc., some people are against it.

What acts have been done against cloning?

people like mushoe pork on wensdays The, "Stop Cloning Act" of 1997

Who are against cloning?

Christians are against cloning because its like you're playing God if you clone because God can only give life.

Why do you clone DNA?

Scientists wanted to clone sheep to ultimately learn how to clone a human. But after the failure of cloning the sheep Dolly, many people went against it and cloning against humans is banned in some areas and frowned upon in most.

What were the reactions to the news about Dolly the sheep?

hello,some were shocked.· 89% believed that the cloning of human beings was not morally right· 66% believed that the cloning of animals was not morally right· 69% are scared by the connotations of cloning humans· 74% believe that cloning is going against God's will· 19% disagree with the statement that cloning is against God's will· 6% of Americans are in favor of human cloning

Should christians believe in cloning?

Some people think they shouldn't because its against there religion. Because your parents believe in not cloning people then that doesnt mean that you should to. You should believe in what you think you should. So they answer is in your self, and that means the answer is whatever you want it to be. :)

What are some issues in cloning animals?

people say cloning animals the animals could all be killed by the same diseases because they are all the same. if they are being used for food people say its not not the nutrients of real meat. for some people they seen it as against nature and god.

What is the potential benefits of cloning human beings?

Some potential benefits of cloning humans, animals, plants, etc. would be cloning needed body parts for sick people, cloning important people, cloning missed, loved ones, etc.

Do Islamic people condone cloning?

Muslim people along with Christians and Jewish people consider cloning a taboo, and forbid it.

Why is cloning controlled?

Cloning is controlled because of opposition by people of religion. They say that cloning is wrong, and that we should not be tampering with life.

How would you use cloning in a sentence?

cloning must be prohibited ,because it is against god powers and also is harmful to human nature