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It is a great way to reduce pollution, animal harming, and its a great way to become a healthier person. I have given up all meat except for chicken so far. If all the world would become vegetarian, we would have little to no issue in global warming because animal packaging plants and the plants that kill the animal produce SO much CO2~! :(I feel bad for the animals, I guess we never think of that when we eat the poor thing.

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14y ago
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12y ago

There are countless websites on all the different reasons someone would decide to be vegan. Here are some of the most common:

1. health - a well-balanced plant-based diet is more in line with the nutritional needs of a human (low in saturated fat and cholesterol, high in protein, fiber, and fruit/vegetables)

2. religious - many cultures and religions think eating different kinds of animals or animal products is wrong

3. animal welfare - in many countries, the bulk of meat/eggs/dairy sold in stores is from industrial farms where animals are treated inhumanely, and some people believe using animals for food, no matter how it is treated in life, is exploitation

4. money - it is much cheaper to live on things like beans, legumes, in-season produce, etc. than expensive meats, eggs, honey, etc.

5. taste/experience of eating meat - many people are disgusted by the idea of consuming animals or products that came out of the bodies of animals (like breast milk) or are off-put by the taste/texture

6. environment - industrial farming causes lots of water pollution, and many people argue that the grains used to feed animals would be put to better use feeding people

I think that vegans are vegans for many different reasons. That is like asking why siblings are annoying to many people. The person who is a vegan probably thinks that eating meat is cruel, and that they are mortified at the fact that some animals are specially raised to be slaughtered. There can be other reasons, too. It just depends on the person.

Because they have questioned what is considered a "normal" diet in our society and made a decision based on their own personal beliefs, whatever those may be.

People usually go vegan because they're compassionate towards animals and don't believe they are ours to eat (meat, eggs, dairy, honey, etc)/wear (wool, fur, leather, etc)/experiment on (animal tested products).

People become vegans for many reasons.

The way some people convert religions, it's a personal choice.

It can range from having a deep concern for animal welfare, to environmental and economic reasons.

My best friend is one and she is because she has a STRONG passion for animals and doesn't want to harm them or make them suffer. It could also be because they are allergic or don't like the taste.

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10y ago

Yes, it is possible and not too difficult to get all necessary nutrients form plant sources. However, it would be best if they are assisted by a nutritionist or dietitian to make sure they get all the nutrients that they need.

There are books, magazines, health food stores and support groups to help give you the information you need. Now there is much information online as well.

Another opinion:

This depends on the teens' beliefs as to why he or she wants to become a vegetarian. It could be anything besides a love for animals, though a love for animals and a strong opposition to eating anything that has a face is the basis for most teens going vegetarian or vegan. In most cases most people believe that teens should wait until they are an adult to become a vegetarian because growing teens need more nutrients than do adults. Genetics also play a role in whether a teen wishes to become a vegetarian or not and/or cannot quench the cravings for a good 5-ounce steak no matter how many tofu burgers or steaks they eat.

Most teenagers also have a harder time following a healthy vegan/vegetarian diet because of the complexity involved (or seemingly so to most omnivores) in buying and cooking certain vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains in order to get the nutrients that are needed. Most teens are more concerned with their studies and finding out what their best friends are up to rather than trying to make meal-plans for their new vegetarian diet. When this sort of thing occurs, nutritional deficiencies like anemia (iron deficiency) can occur. Anemia is far more common in girls than boys because they are going through puberty which means loosing blood (and iron) from regular menstruation. Unless you have a stay-at-home parents or parents who are vegetarians/vegans themselves, or parents that support your decision to stop eating meat, it is more logical to not go vegetarian until you are an adult, which is around 20 years of age.

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13y ago

There are a number of reasons kids turn to vegetarianism, and discussing this with them in detail - and acting upon this conversation - is a great way to connect with your child in a really big way. Pinning this down will not only help you plan packing lunches and cooking dinner, it will help you understand your child's motivations and thoughts. The most common reasons for becoming vegetarian are listed below.

· Environmental: Animal meat production produces a surprisingly large percentage of waste worldwide. Non-participation in the meat industry is one way to take action.

· Religious: Some religions do not suggest eating animal meat. This is common in some sects of Buddhism, and other religions around the world.

· Health: Meat products, in general, have high concentrations of saturated fats and LDL cholesterol. Over consumption of meat is one reason for the obesity problem in the US right now. Cutting meat out of the diet is one way to cut back on bad calories.

· Political: Animal meat production is an inefficient way to create calories - at least at the current rate of consumption. World hunger is an ongoing epidemic, and, in the end, cutting meat out of the diet cuts down on wasted calories.

· Animal Rights: Some people don't believe in the killing and eating of animals on a more visceral, emotional level. Some may be responding to the way animals are raised in harsh environments, or simply objecting to the killing of animals in general.

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12y ago

There are so many reasons for people becoming vegans.. Teens in particular may have reasons such as they want to diet or are trying it because their friends are. They are more likely to be affected by these than older people, however it can apply to anyone.

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7y ago

The three major reasons people become vegan are to prevent animal suffering, to improve human health, and to improve the environment.

The overwhelming majority of farmed animals subjected to unimaginable cruelties, and all of them are sent to slaughter at a fraction of their natural lives, even dairy cows and layer hens.

Plants contain no cholesterol and tend to be lower in both total fat and saturated fat than animal flesh and secretions. And while meat, dairy, and eggs contain no fiber whatsoever, most whole plant foods are loaded with fiber, and they tend to be much lower in calories. Vegans often have lower body weight, less hypertension, and lower blood cholesterol levels than people who consume animal flesh and secretions. Plant-based diets are being used as part of successful programs to manage Heart disease and Diabetes.

Animal agriculture is also a leading cause of climate change, habitat destruction, and species extinction, so many environmentalists have become vegans to lessen their environmental footprint.

The bottom line is that humans have no biological need to consume animal flesh or secretions. If we can live well without hurting others, why wouldn’t we?

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11y ago

because we don't like torturing animals...

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12y ago

they get the idea in their heads that God didn't create animals for us to eat.

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