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because they are unsightly and right on your face where everyone can see them.

They are produced from overactive oil glands. They can be large and bumpy and red and in our society this is considered unattractive

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Q: Why are pimples so embarrassing?
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Can you get pimples under your eyes and on your eyelid?

Embarrassing as it to say you can get pimples under your eye as it has happened to me i don't know when they appeared but they did under both of my eyes luckily after using skin id they went away as of on your eyelid there was a boy that rode my bus and had one on his eyelid so i guess you can get it there to hopes this helps

Are you dirty when you have pimples?

Pimples are common during puberty, due to hormonal spurt. You do not look dirty, when you have pimples. Late teenagers go on thinking about the pimples only. Almost every body gets the pimples and that is certainly not a crime to have pimples. So do not go on touching the pimples and do not squeeze them. You look beautiful by smile of the face, even with pimples there on your face.

Can you get pimples on your balls?

I have not gotten any pimples on my balls. On my penis yes but not on my balls so I am guessing no.

How do you stop shaving pimples?

throw away your razor so you'll stop shaving your pimples

Is it okay if your a model with pimples?

Models usually get any blemishes such as pimples covered with make up and treated with good pimple medication. So, yes, you can be a model if you have pimples.

Is pimples are possible when pregnant?

Yes. Pimples are possible even when pregnant. In fact, pimples can grow at any age,though. Even adults grow pimples on their faces in one or more of the days. So, yes. it is possible.

Is it true you can get pimples on your bottom?

You can get pimples about anywhere. It's just oils and bacteria trapped in your pores. So, yes you can.

How can you use the word embarrassing in a sentence?

It was so embarrassing when Amy tore my dress in front of all those people. The project failed miserably, embarrassing the executives who had supported it. My most embarrassing moment was the time that I spilled linguini on the President.

What's the best way to get rid of a pimple?

Here are simple tips that could help you get rid of pimples : 1. The first and foremost tip is to keep your skin clean. You should wash your face at least two times a day. 2. Keep your hands off of your face. This is extremely important. Unless your hands have just been washed. 3. Drinking water. Your body is full of toxins that cause pimples. So, when you drink plenty of water, you flush the toxins out. 4. Eating healthy. Try to avoid eating junk foods and fast foods. It is advisable to quit eating oily, spicy and junk food which can aggravate pimples. Having pimples really embarrassing and a hassle when trying to get rid of them. To get rid of pimples, people will try many different things. Visit There, you can get more tips to avoid pimples..

Does Selena Gomez have pimples?

i dont think so she is still so young

How useful is a cellulite remover in removing pimples?

A cellulite remover does what it says: remove cellulite. Pimples are no cellulite, so it does not work if one uses an cellulite remover. If one wants to remove pimples there are other solutions available.

Why are pimples called pimples?

Because you have to squeeZIT??