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Q: Why are plant cells so uniform and rigid?
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Plant cells have a rigid structure, while animal cells have a more flexible structure.Explanation...A plant cell contains a cell wall (made primarily of cellulose) which gives the cell a rigid structure. Animal cells do not contain cell walls, so they have a more flexible structuredefined by their underlying cytoskeleton.Both plant cells and animals divide.In both plant cells and animal cells, the DNA is stored in the nucleus.Plant cells carry out photosynthesis, while animal cells do not.------------------------------------------------------------------

Why is the brick-like shape of some plant cells important?

Plant cells have a cell wall. This enables the plant cell to maintain a rigid shape. Animal cells do not have a cell wall and so have more flexible shapes.

What is the best way of determine if a cell comes from a plant or a animal?

There are many distinguishing features that allow you to tell the difference between plant and animal cells. For example, plant cells have a rigid cell wall, and so are much more likely to have a rigid (rectangular) shape. Animal cells are much more likely to have an irregular shape. Another quick way is to look for the presence of chloroplasts - little green organelles - which are easily identified. These are found in plant cells, but not animal cells.

Why are plants squard and animal cells round?

Plant cells are not necessarily square, and animal cells are not necessarily round. Both types of cells are usually compressed against their neighbors. Animal cells are more flexible, so alone, they will generally be rounder, whereas plant cells are confined by a cell wall, which keeps them rigid.

Is a plants cell shaped like a box?

the plant cells contains cell wall which has a thick membrane which gives the plant cell regular shape most likely a rectangular shape. the animal cells are round or irregular because they do not have rigid cell walls.

What makes plant cells more rigid than animal cells?

Because they have to be. Plant cells have lignin and cellulose to keep them rigid so that they can hold themselves up to hold up leaves to the sun. Otherwise, the plant would be a pancake. Water plants lack lignin because they don't need to hold themselves up - their bouyancy in the water does that. Animal cells need to be flexible, and the structural support in an animal body comes from bones.

Is a cell wall in animal or plant cells?

cell walls are in plant cells, because the cell wall is rigid (up to many micrometers in thickness) and gives plant cells a very defined shape. While most cells have a outer membrane, none is comparable in strength to the plant cell wall. The cell wall is the reason for the difference between plant and animal cell functions. Because the plant has evolved this rigid structure, they have lost the opportunity to develop nervous systems, immune systems, and most importantly, mobility. An animal cell floats freely in the body, so it doesn't need a cell wall, and can't live with a cell wall.

Why was animal cells found after plant cells?

plant cells are less complex than animal cells; They are one uniform shape and they have a thick cell wall so you can see in a microscope that they are seperated and boxed around, so the world "cell" came around (like a prison cell is a square and boxed around) This are my thoughts and my best guess Hope this helps :)

What helps keep the plant cell rigid?

1. The pressure of water within the cell will either cause the cell to be rigid (turgid) or not (plasmolysed). The pressure is created by the movement of water via osmosis. The water is contained in the cell's vacoule, and this pushes against the cell wall causing the cell to become rigid. 2. The cell wall itself is the other thing that causes the cell to be rigid, it is made usually of cellulose, which means it is strong and rigid. It causes the plant cell to have a definitive shape, but animal cells that don't have them are likely to change shape.

Would you expect to find sclerenchyma cells in roots?

i think so

Why do animal cells look different from plant cells?

Animal cells are shaped differently from plant cells because they have different functions and have different parts like it doen't have the cell wall and the plant does.

What is the Venus Flytrap's skeletal system?

The Venus Flytrap is a plant and so does not have a skeleton in the usual sense that we think of, that is bones. Plant cells have cellulose in their cell walls which allow them to form rigid structures and stand without the need for an internal skeleton.