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Seasons occur because the earth rotates on a tilted axis. Because of this in certain times of the year areas will get more or less sun. For example in Canada where I live, in the summer the north hemisphere is tilted towards the sun so that we are hit more directly, and in winter we are tilted away from the sun for more indirect sunlight. Because areas at the equator do not tilt very much during different seasons they are directly hit by sunlight year round.

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15y ago

Because the rays of the sun hit the earth full-on all year round, because that part of the Earth is more or less the same distance from the sun all the time. The further north or south you go, the more the fact that the Earth leans either to or away from the sun makes a difference. If you told someone that lives near the equator that it is bright throughout the night at the poles during summer time, they'd find it hard to believe. The length of day and night barely changes throughout the year at the equator.

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12y ago

There are barely any seasons at the equator because the length of the day stays almost the same throughout the year and at midday the sun is always high in the sky.

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What seasons are found at the equator?

There are still 4, its just not a big difference between the seasons. . a08Deevic88 Join Me At