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HIV is one of them. Some strains of Flu, like Bird Flu and Spanish Flu. And...uhh... I dont know anymore. =S

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Q: Why are viruses infamous and deadly on earth?
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Which is the deadly disease caused by viruses?

The deadly disease caused by virus is CANCER.

Are all virus' deadly?

Yes ... all viruses are deadly ... and they are everywhere ... the only way to be safe is to live in a bubble.

Why dont viruses normally kill plants?

This is not the case. There are hundreds of types of viruses which cause deadly diseases in plants.

Description of viruses and its description?

There are a number of different viruses with different descriptions in the world. Some cause very deadly diseases even though they are not living.

Does Google earth has viruses?


How were the aliens defeated in the War of the Worlds?

In H.G. Wells' novel "The War of the Worlds," the aliens were ultimately defeated by Earth's bacteria and viruses, to which they had no immunity. The microscopic organisms proved to be deadly to the aliens, despite their advanced technology and weaponry.

What are some deadly viruses that you can find in the human body?

you could get malaria and other disease that eats the brain

Is the poison from the poison dart frog deadly?

Yes. in fact they are the most deadly animal on earth.

Why do we study viruses?

Viruses have the ability to greatly affect life on earth. Many viruses, such as HIV and influenza have killed millions of people. By studying viruses, scientists are able to develop vaccines that will protect people (and animals) from viruses.

What is the difference between protists and viruses?

Monkeys, camels, diahria, shart, silent but deadly, OFWGKTA, why couldent anyone answer this question...??

What caused Ebola?

Ebola is caused by one of four Ebola viruses: Ebola Zaire (most deadly), Ebola Sudan, Ebola Cote d' Ivoire, and Ebola Reston (found in Virgina, US, not deadly to humans)

Where do viruses fit in?

Viruses are infectious particles. In many cases, they can cause deadly diseases. They are not part of the scheme of living things but are important in the problems they can cause. Some are useful. One type causes mottled colors in tulips.