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1) Clogged up lines from sedimentary/hard water build up. 2) Loss of air pressure through relief valve or the air volume control. To fix 1, you need to drain tank and clean it and that's just from what I've read. To fix 2, you need to tighten relief valve, but not to tight as you do need some air to escape as your tank fills with water. Air volume control is what I'm having to replace now, it's about a $25 part.

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Q: Why are you losing water pressure throughout your house?
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poor water pressure from your city. Or if you are on a well, the pump might be going bad.

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House water pressure should be around 50-60 psi.

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Because the pressure is exerted throughout the body of water.

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Sounds like a bad/failed water pressure regulator.

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Typically it's because of restricted flow, either from small pipes or from excessive mineral buildup on the inside of the pipes. I honestly do NOT believe that water pressure "drops throughout the house" -How do you know that, have you measured it with a gauge at each faucet, or are you assuming. .

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== == Two possible problems............... The main shut off valve in the house is closed from the in-coming city water supply line, or the city supply line is shut off at the street .

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There is usually a main water valve that comes into the house, locate this valve and turn it down. Installing a pressure reducing valve after water main valve will allow for adjustment of water pressure to proper setting.

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Area water authority could have increased water main pressure, no or defective expansion tank in house main water line if house has a backflow preventer installed, or defective /not properly set pressure reducing valve.