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Indirect rule did not represent conflicting ideologies of colonial policies in west Africa, rather it was a deliberate policy of the colonial office to use the traditional rulers who already controlled the people and the land to fufil and accomplish their objectives. They succeeded with that policy. The Chiefs having lost their absolute power to colonialism, were relieved to have a little bit of power assign to them by the colonial fice, With their own courts, police and prisons, the chiefs during the colonial period consolidated both their own powers and that of the colonial authorities. Nana Baffour Gyanko Fofie I

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i think the major reason why British adopted the indirect rule was that,the hinterland people has a very strong administrative governance and any plan to change might be bad. so it will be better if there own people rule them.

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Q: Did indirect rule represent conflicting ideologies of colonial policies in west Africa?
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