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Islamic countries surrounding Israel/Palestine all have UNRWA camps where Palestinians live in perpetual refugee-ness. In Lebanon, they do not even have work papers (forget citizenship or residency) that would allow them to leave these camps on a regular basis, let alone citizenship. In Syria, they can get work papers, but not citizenship or residency. In both countries, but more commonly in Lebanon, these UNRWA camps are violently attacked and destroyed (look at Nahr el-Bared in 2007, as a perfect example). In Jordan, there is discrimination between '48 refugees and '67 refugees where the former get Jordanian citizenship and the latter are locked in camps. The governments in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan prefer that this system is maintained because otherwise the Palestinians would be economic competition with citizens and increasing unemployment, which would threaten those autocratic regimes.

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Q: Why can Islamic countries surrounding Palestine not open their borders to the Palestinians and give them residency?
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