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Q: Why can you see the parts of a onion under a microsope?
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What parts of the onion cells?

Those that you can see under the microscope are the cell wall, nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm.

What effect did staining the onion cells have on their appearance under the microscope?

how do cells of the onion specimen appear under the microscope

Parts of an onion skin cell that you can not see?

the chloroplast

What is somthing you can see with a microsope?

You can see anything small with it that you can't see with the human eye

Why is iodine used when observing onion cells?

AnswerIodine was used to stain onion epidermal cells so you could see the cells more clearly and examine them. Naturally, the cell parts are difficult to see because they are clear.You put iodine on onion cells in order to make parts of the cell which were translucent, more visible. This is because iodine stains starch present in the onion cell.

Can you observe any chloroplast in the onion cell using microscope?

Yes, sometimes there will be green portions of the onion. If you look at those cells under the microscope, you will see chloroplasts.

What happens when an onion membrane is put into a vinegar solution?

it turns purple and under a microscope you can see swirlys

When a onion cell is stained with iodine which organelles are you not able to see under a compound light microscope?


Is cytoplasm visible in onion cells?

it is like a rectangular shape .nuclear nuclear can be seen under microscope

What cell parts are visible in onion root cells?

Those that you can see under the microscope are the cell wall, nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm.

Is the cell wall distinct from the cell membrane when viewing an onion cell under low power?

Pretty sure no, can't see cell membrane under low power.

Why whould you need a microscope to see a prokaryotic organism?

because it's too small to see with a regular eye.