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In our Universe, any attempt to exceed the speed of light, as viewed in any frame, by a particle with mass, will be defeated by the laws of the Universe we happen to live in. Whether or not we like that fact is irrelevent: that's the laws of this Universe.

It arises from the fact that an object getting close to the speed of light will get more and more massive as it gets closer and closer. Because of that, it will become harder and harder to make it go faster, as it takes more energy to accelerate an object with more mass.

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Accelerating any normal matter to the speed of light would require an infinite amount of energy.

In theory, however, it may be possible to come very close to the speed of light, like 99%, or 99.9%.

humans are un able to travel at the speed of light mainly due to the lack of any means of propulsion powerful enough to move any object with a mass...which basically means any object that has physical properties. however even if such propulsion was possible, the effects of traveling at such a speed on a human are somewhat un-known other than "not good" as studies from traveling at the speed of sound have shown

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Q: Why cant the speed of light be exceeded?
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The speed of light is exceeded by several things. Wave guides for instance. However all present theories preclude any information or mass to exceed the speed of light. Neutrinos have never been sent through the CERN collider at super-luminal velocities.

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