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It is easy for vegans to get enough enough vitamin B12. There are lots of vegan B12 supplements and fortified foods. Also, nutritional yeast is a delicious ingredient that is high in B12.

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Q: Why could acquiring sufficient vitamin B-12 from the diet be a problem for vegans?
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What are health problems that vegans can experience?

As long as vegans have an adequete intake of all nutrients, including zinc and vitamin B 12 - none.

Which vitamins do vegans need to be aware of?

B12 is mentioned by most nutritionists. Protein and calcium, although not vitamins, are available in less quantities in vegan food. I'm a vegetarian so I would highly recommend B12 and Vitamin D. Be sure to take in enough proteins and calcium so you don't become malnourished as well.

What typically is not a nutrient concern for vegans?

Vegans need to find a source of vitamin B12, either through enriched foods like breakfast cereal or soy milk, or through supplements.

Which supplements would you recommend vegans add to their diets?

Plenty of fresh, organic, unprocessed vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, along with lots of water. Also, find a source of vitamin B-12, such as fortified soy milk, nutritional (brewer's) yeast, or a single or multi-vitamin supplement.

Pregnant women who are vegans are at risk for a deficiency of which nutrient?

Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is Only found in meat and dairy products. Strict vegetarians Have to take a vitamin supplement or they will be at risk of a Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

What Are Common Nutrient Problems?

what nutrients commonly present a problem in the diets of vegans

What multi-vitamin best meets the needs of a vegan diet?

Rainbow Light puts out high quality, vegan vitamins.

What do vegans have difficulty obtaining?

vitamin B-12 Most soy products have added vitamin B12. Vegans may have difficulty obtaining iron as they don't eat blood--this can be remedied by eating spinach, oatmeal, beans, raisins and food cooked in cast iron. Include vitamin C in your diet as that helps you absorb iron. Protein can be problematic as vegans eat far less protein than those who eat animal products. A vegan can get adequate protein from nuts and seeds, whole grains, bean/bean products and a variety of vegetables (almost all have some protein). Calcium can be problematic but vegans can get calcium from tofu, green leafy vegetables like collards, sesame seeds.

What exercises can vegans do?

Vegans can do any exercises that non-vegans can do.

Do vegans have lower rates of anemia?

Depends if the vegan eats a lot of nuts or takes a daily vitamin with iron in it. overall meat eaters probably consume more iron If the vegan doesn't take vitamins. There are plenty of natural foods with iron in them that can help vegans get plenty of iron. Vitamin C, which is abundant in a vegan diet, helps with the absorption of iron.

What supplements should you take for a vegetarian diet?

AnswerVitamin B12 is hard to find in a vegetarian diet. It is commonly found in meat. Vitamin B12 is essential for eye health and studies show it improves brain functions among other benefits. Adequate protein intake may also be a problem for vegetarians. Try a supplement like Royal Greens Ultra which contains spirulina-a high protein food-along with other natural ingredients that will give you all the nutrients you need, including Vitamin B12. Iron and calcium may be a good idea if you don't get enough in your regular diet.

What is the collective noun for vegans?

There is no collective noun for 'vegans', in which case, you use a noun that is appropriate for the situation for a group of vegans; how about a crop of vegans.