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because they could not find who Alexander was talking about the strongest.

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Q: Why did Alexander the greats empire break up after he died?
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Where is the Country of Alexander the Great?

Alexander the GreatWas born in Pella, Macedonia (in Turkey) and was the conquerer of the ancient world

What were short term effects of Alexander the Great's reign?

The most noted short term effect of Alexander the Greats reign was the unity of his empire. Before his death the empire spread from Greece to Egypt, but quickly broke apart after he died.

How big was Alexander the greats empire?

It stretched from Libya-Egypt through the Middle East to Central Asia and today's Pakistan in the east.

When did Cleopatra become Alexander the greats step mom?

Cleopatra was never Alexander the Great's stepmother. Cleopatra was a Ptolemy, descendant from one of Alexander's generals. Alexander died close to 300 years before Cleopatra was even born.

Before Alexander the Great died who had he conquered?

The Persian Empire.

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How did Alexander's Emprie after he died?

Well, what happened to Alexander's Empire was, it crumbled. Ten years after he died his generals split it up into four parts because he didn't leave someone who could run his Empire.

What was the long lasting effect of Alexandar's Empire?

Alexander died from malaria, when he died he said that his empire would go to the strongest military leader.

Who was Alexander the Greats Father?

Alexander's father was Philip II of Macedon. Philip had conquered most of Greece by the time he died in 336 BC. Alexander was 20 and began completing the plans Philip had made to invade Persia.

What year was Alexander's empire?

It was established in 331 BCE, and he died in 323 BCE.

What were the causes of Alexander the greats conquest?

He had always wanted to conquer Asia; Philip II died, so he succeeded the throne, now granted the resources and opportunity to do so.

Why did Alexander the Great's empire break apart so quickly after his death?

He died young and left no clear successor. His generals fought amongst each other and established their own kingdoms from the areas they grabbed.