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It was really just the difference in political ideology and how both capitalists and communists saw eachother. The Bolsheviks thought communism was right, and the capitalists thought capitalism was. Both had their own advantages and disadvantages. But the idea of world communism died with Trotsky; the USSR did not want to risk their power in starting a major conflict with Another Country. And it wasnt just the communists wanting to overthrow capitalism; the reason the USA and the USSR went into the cold war is because the US wanted to stop the spread of communism.

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The Bolsheviks wanted to capture power and introduce a state capitalist system with themselves as the rulers.

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Q: Why did Bolsheviks want workers to overthrow capitailism?
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What did Bolsheviks want?

The Bolsheviks, who were students of Marx, believed that the Russian power structure should be overthrown and power should be given to the architects of the revolution (i.e. themselves). The other half of the revolutionary faction, the Mensheviks favored interaction from the workers and farmers. After Russia's humiliation in World War I, food and work shortages, and the promise of the redistribution of land, the Bolsheviks were able to gain the support of the people.

What did the Bolsheviks want to do to land in Russia during the Russian revolution?

Redistribute it to serfs. A better distribution of property.

Who led the Russian revolution and what did he want?

The Russian revolution is typically seen as being carried out by the Bolshevik party, though it was, in essence, a movement brought about by the Russian workers and merely sparked and aided by the Bolsheviks.The man typically seen as the leader of the Bolsheviks is known as Vladimir Lenin, but his next-in-command Leon Trotsky was the leader of the Petrograd Soviet (socialist union of workers in the capital city of Petrograd) at the time of the revolution.The common aims of Lenin, Trotsky, and the whole of the Bolshevik party was to overthrow the opressive Tsar (Basically a king), take from the rich, give to the poor, and (in the distant future) have a world without nations, hate, greed, opression, classes, or property.Stalin stole power from Trotsky after Lenin died of a stroke and un-did most of the progress that Lenin made towards the Communist goal.

Why did people overthrow british rule in the revolutionary war?

America are selfish lazy pigs who didnt want to pay taxes to their motherland

How did the Bolsheviks want to take power?

The Bolsheviks took advantage of the political and social situation in 1917 to seize power during the RussianRevolution. They did so through the precise leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, oppositional weakness, and such decisions as disbanding the army and winning the peasant majority through promises of land, food, equality, and peace.

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What did Marxist revolutionaries believe about workers?

Marxist revolutionaries believed that workers are the backbone of society and should overthrow capitalist systems to establish a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. They saw workers as the oppressed class who must unite to seize power and create a more equal and just society.

What did Bolsheviks want?

The Bolsheviks, who were students of Marx, believed that the Russian power structure should be overthrown and power should be given to the architects of the revolution (i.e. themselves). The other half of the revolutionary faction, the Mensheviks favored interaction from the workers and farmers. After Russia's humiliation in World War I, food and work shortages, and the promise of the redistribution of land, the Bolsheviks were able to gain the support of the people.

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because they feel like it

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Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in the November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

What did the Bolsheviks want to do to land in Russia during the Russian revolution?

Redistribute it to serfs. A better distribution of property.

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Migrant workers want to learn for the same reason other people want to learn: to make their lives better.

What is the difference between reformist and revolutionary?

Reformists seek gradual change within existing systems, often through policy reforms, while revolutionaries advocate for more drastic, fundamental change by overthrowing existing systems and instituting new ones. Reformists work within the system to improve it, while revolutionaries seek to replace the system altogether.

Why was Nicholas II overthrown?

Because the Bolsheviks, a villainous army, did not want any more royalty in Russia and wanted to rule by himself.

Who helped overthrow the French and later named himself King of Haiti?

i have no idea and i want to know it too