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king george the third thought it was unfair for the indians to have no land so britain gave the west side of the appalachian mountains and no colonists could set foot on the area the indians used the lands for hunting and farming and housing...............................haha i got this answer from my textbook was this helpful? i hope it was :)

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because of the native americans

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Q: Why did Britain refuse to allow colonists to settle on it's newly won land?
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Which British policy convinced many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

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Great Britain taxed the colonies but did not allow them to participate in politics.

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After the war, which was funded on borrowed money, Britain was in deep debt. So they taxed heavily on the colonists, which led to some hostility which would eventually lead to the American Revolution. Also, Britain did not allow colonists to settle past the Appalachian Mountains, even though they had land past it. This also caused tension.

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

Which British policy convince many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

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It did not allow the colonists to settle where they wished to settle, more specifically beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

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lol i got the same question for my h.w and i found out, that they rebel for their political principles. They rebel because they wanted the same rights as Britain, but Britain didn't allow it. The colonists was angry that they didn't have the same rights and have no power...........etc

Which statement describes a factor that motivated American colonists to declare their independence from the British Empire?

(Apex) Great Britain taxed the colonies, but did not allow them to participate in politics.

Why is it called the American War for Independence?

Because Americans lived on the continent of NORTH AMERICA and were fighting the British who OWNED most of NORTH AMERICA...Americans were COLONIES of Great Britain. American COLONISTS wanted INDEPENDENCE from their British owners or leadership. Britain would NOT allow that independence, so the Colonists fought them for it.

Which factor contributed to the movement for independence from Britain?

There are three factors that contributed to the movement for independence from Britain: 1. Thomas Paine's Common sense 2. Discontent among the colonists over king George restrictive trade policies 3. A desire by the colonists to govern themselves