

Why did Canada not go into depression after World War 2?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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Not sure why Canada would have fallen into a depression after the war when it was that very war that pulled the world (particularly the US) out of the depression. Canada's economy and the U.S. economy have always been tightly linked so when the U.S. was suffering under the depression in the 1930s, Canada's economy suffered as well. When the war pulled the U.S. out of the depression, its largest trading partner, Canada, flourished along with it.

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Q: Why did Canada not go into depression after World War 2?
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It did not end the depression. We did have a lot of people go to work that had been unemployed, but that came from the government spending money on things for war. The funds that the government spent came from taxes paid by citizens. At the end of the war, we were really still in a depression, but we had built up manufacturing capability (to make the tools of war). So when the huge amounts of people all over the world needed to buy goods to rebuild after the war, the US was in a good position to sell them those items - that did solve the depression.

That it was fair that Canada automatically had to go in the war because Britain did?

It was most certainly fair for the Canadians to go to war with the Brits because Canada was a possession (colony) of the United Kingdom. Here is a comparison for you so you can understand the concept better. If the US went to war and the State of Nebraska refused to go to war it would be unfair because the other 49 states had to go to war. So Canada could not refuse being part the United Kingdom. They did not have their own self rule as a nation yet. After World War 2 Canada and Australia were released from the United Kingdom.

Reasons that Canada did not get involved in the war right away?

in WWI, Canada's military was still under British rule, thus when the British went to war, Canada went to war. There was no delay. In WWII Canada was no longer tied to British military action. Canada wished to make a statement that Canada was choosing to go to war, not being pulled in by the British. It was agreed that Canada would wait one week after the British declared war. This would send a clear statement to the world that it was Canada, not Britain, that was declaring war.

When did Canada go to war with Poland?

Canada and Poland were allies from the start of The War in Europe to its very end.

Why did the US decide to stay isolated from forgeign affairs in World War 2?

The American people did not want to go through another war. the U.S. also didn't have the finances to pay for another war, considering we were in the great depression at this time.