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Expense - colonies overall have proven to be money-losing propositions throughout history. They just cost more to maintain than they can earn for the mother country. Wars over them just speeds up the process

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In the 18th century, England was at war with several countries including France and Spain. The three countries mentioned were all power players with land in Central America and North America. The British Colonies were growing at an extreme rate and expansion west was inevitable. However, the Native Americans posed a threat to the colonies and Britain. France saw this as an opportunity and though both sides fought with Native Americans, France united with most of them. To protect its investment, Britain was forced to spend millions of dollars to supply and protect the colonies. Even though the success of the war was secured, it came with a cost so large, it doubled England's debt. Unable to pay for it on their own, many thought it was fair to impose the colonists to pay it off. This sparked controversy as being left alone by the British for several decades unleveled the colonists comfort zone. Since the colonists couldn't vote for or against the taxes due to their lack of representation in Parliment, the saw it as unfair to be taxed. This ignited the flame of revolution as the colinists soon fought for equality and then, independence!!! The victory of the colonists thus separated America from Britain.

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Q: Why did England's victory in the war for empire led to the loss of its North American colonies?
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