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The reinsurance treaty, simply put, was a secret nonagression pact between Russia and Germany. Germany did not reinstate the treaty because of her complicated web of alliances; specifically, the dual alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary.

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Q: Why did Germany let the reinsurance treaty end?
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What is the object of monopoly?

The object of Monopoly is to bankrupt your opponents and have most money at the end of the game, don't let yourself get bankrupt! ;)

What were the economic factors of World War 1?

It cost a lot of money to keep soldiers on the front lines. Each country involved had to ration things at home to keep the soldiers well outfitted and people who usually worked in the private sector found themselves working for the war effort instead. Governments had to spend huge amounts of money buying armaments and special taxes were levied to fund the war effort.

Why is Spain important to us?

i think spain is important to us because when we signed thr treaty with spain saying we wouldnt settle in texas they alowed us to have just as the fact they let us own florida for us to have florida and not settle in texas thats really important because we dont settle in texas anymore we still can in florida.thats why spain is kinda important to us

Why is capitalism referred as laissez faire?

Laissez faire is a French term that means: "To live and let live." Or, perhaps more literally, to be and let be. Capitalism's insistent that economies and marketplaces remain largely unregulated and unfettered is an example of laissez faire. To let people sell what they choose to sell and let people buy what they choose to buy. To let people choose who they sell to and let people choose who they buy from, this is laissez faire.

What does laissez-mean?

Laissez, on its own, means 'to let; to allow' in the second person plural (let [you]).

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