

Why did God stop sending prophets?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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14y ago

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When writing about the distant past, it is possible for miraculous accounts to go unchallenged, since there is no way to prove them wrong. However, great care must be taken when writing about contemporary events. Thus biblical stories about contemporary or recent prophets became less common from the time of the Return of the Jews from Babylonian Exile.

However, Judaism still needed new prophets. The writings of the anonymous authors now known as Second Isaiah and Third Isaiah were added to the ancient Book of Isaiah, as if written by the prophet Isaiah himself. Another solution is to be found in the Book of Daniel. This book was written between 167 and 164 BCE, but projected its apparent author, Daniel, back to the time of the Babylonian Exile. God had stopped sending prophets because people were becoming more sceptical.

Miracles began to occur once again in the Christian milieu from the middle of the first century and for several centuries afterwards. However, the Jews were unimpressed and few seem to have converted. Even the more educated pagans questioned the Christian stories.

Then in the sixth century, God is said to have sent the Prophet Muhammad.

Finally, some Christian denominations, most notably the Mormons, claim to have received prophets from the middle of the eighteenth century even to the present day.

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