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He wanted more freedom, but mostly he wanted to divorce his first wife Catherine of Aragon and marry her lady-in-waiting Anne Boleyn, and the Catholic Church didn't allow that.

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Q: Why did Henry viii want to start his own church and break away from the pope?
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What did Henry VIII break away from?

The Roman Catholic Church.

Who told Henry VIII's nation to break away form the Roman Catholic Church?

When the pope refused to grant Henry VIII a divorce, he decided to break with Rome and appointed himself as the head of the church in England.

What economic reasons were there for Henry VIII to break away from the Roman Catholic Church?

When Henry became Head of the Church in England, he confiscated property which had previously belonged to the Catholic Church. The wealth then became part of the Royal Treasury.

What two reasons did Henry VIII break away from the church and became what?

recognition of pope in Rome and wanted to divorce and remarry

What inspired Henry VIII to break away from catholic church?

his pending divorce to katherine of aragon due to the desire to marry anne boleyn -------------------------Henry didn't break away from the Catholic Church at any time and as far as I can tell, never thought of it! What he did was to point out that the Bishop of Rome had no authority anywhere but in his own see.

Why did Henry VIII start a church?

because he broke away from the catholic church

What religion did England practice?

England was the first European nation to break away from Roman Catholic Church. King Henry VIII established the Church of England in protest.

What are the reasons king Henry broke away from the church?

money and Henry wanted a divorce Henry didn't want a divorce, he wanted an annulment, something different! Neither did he break away, Henry followed the teaching of the early church and told the pope he had no authority in England. This was perfectly true. For ttrad Catholics papal authority is limited!

Why did the Anglican church break away from the eastern othodox?

The Church of England did not break away from the Eastern Orthodox Church, it broke from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534.

Why did Henry VIII want Richard Whiting to die?

Because he wanted to break away from the Catholic Church, and Richard Whiting stood in his way.

How did Henry the 8th breaking away from the church make social and religious changes?

King Henry the VIII formed the Church of England when he broke away from the church in Rome.

What period did the Christians break away from the Catholic Church?

Christians did not break away from the Catholic Church, they remained Christians, protestants broke away from the Catholic Church in the 16th century.