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The SS found that this was the quickest and most efficient way of killing vast numbers of people; it also caused less 'distress' to the SS than a bloodbath. Before it would take 12 SS soldiers to kill one victim of the Holocaust. 6 would aim at the heart, 6 would aim at the brain. This wouldn't even have a 100% success rate. Sometimes they would be left on the ground screaming and writhing in pain but the SS weren't allowed to finish them off. Gas van's were then used. They would drive around and pick up Jews e.t.c. and then release the fumes (CO?) into the back. This failed as it was very slow and painful. People would crowed in the corners furthest away from the fumes resulting in people being crushed to death. The final plan was gas chambers. These were far more efficient as they would kill very quickly and in 100s. They were told to take their clothes off and have a shower - gas came out instead of water. The clothes were then burnt or used. Various SS officers describes gas as "humane" and said they "Could now sleep at night" which seems a bit casual but if you imagine the relief of not having to directly shoot them...

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10y ago

Hitler chose to exterminate the Jews in gas chambers because it was a more faster and efficent way of getting rid of them. It also allowed Germany to avoid wasting precious bullets and it allowed them to preserve Jews' clothing and shoes. In many ways, Hitler saw the Jews as vermin, so he gassed them just as most people would gas cockroaches.

However, it was not only the Jews who were executed this way, but Slavs, Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, and several other discriminated groups.

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14y ago

Because it was faster and messier to kill them using gas then shoot them

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Q: Why did Hitler kill the Jews with the gas chamber?
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Where did Hitler kill 6 million Jews?

hitler killed 6 million jews either in a gas chamber or he bombed their houses

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Hitler would put the jewish inside a concentration camp were there head would be shaved bald to show shame and then gassed in chambers

What happenedd to the Jews when they got there?

Hitler gased them in the gas chamber & then burned them

Where was Hitler's gas chamber located?

Hitler had more than one gas chamber. The Nazis had gas chambers at Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, and Auschwitz. They also used poison gas to kill people in hospitals.

What happened in a gas chamber?

Well Hitler and the Nazis didnt like Jews so they put them in the gas chamber , (told them they were having a shower )and made them get undressed. Then the Nazis released the gas and they all got killed.

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The evil Nazis were soldiers of Adolf Hitler who were there to mainly catch the Jews and send and guard them on the way to the gas chamber.

what did Hitler do that was bad?

he made camps for Jews where he starved them, put them in a gas chamber, tourtured, invaded their homes just to send them to the camps, killed Jews, separated families, etc.

Who decided to gas the Jews in Nazi Germany?

Hitler decided to gas the Jews in nazi Germany

Why did hitler kill the people in the gas chamber?

It was seen as a more humane way of executing people than the other methods employed.

Hitler plans to kill the jews?

During the holocaust, Hitler laid down elaborate plans to exterminate all the Jews. Concentration camps with gas chambers and human ovens were meant to carry out the work.

What happens in a gas?

Well Hitler and the Nazis didnt like Jews so they put them in the gas chamber , (told them they were having a shower )and made them get undressed. Then the Nazis released the gas and they all got killed.

Did any relation of Hitler die in the gas chamber?
